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2023 | Buch

Indo-Pacific Smart Megacity System

Emerging Architecture and Megacity Studies


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This book is an in-depth study of the Indo-Pacific region for effective interventions in the megacities system. First, based on several criteria, the region is identified as homogeneous country groupings of diversity, a multi-polar spatial system, and as program regions of QUAD and I2U2 for action programs and investment transcending many nations but mostly the ocean space of the Indo-Pacific, connecting all megacities sub-regions spatially and functionally. Then, the megacities with problems and prospects for economic integration are studied from the point of view of regional economics and international trade, and finally, the rural–urban interface with case studies of selected countries is presented. Prospects of systems of megacities and individual megacities for regional economies are designed. Existing interconnections through rail, air, and ocean of megacity systems, their capacity, performance, and potential are analyzed for emerging issues. International trade among the megacity systems/countries with emerging issues and barriers are presented. The mobility of money, goods, and services among the systems of megacities is analyzed. Rule-based diplomacy and other emerging options are discussed to sustain the above calls for a study of the Security of the Indo-Pacific region. Finally, the emerging architecture for megacity system governance is also presented.

Out of 21 megacities in the Indo-Pacific, an in-depth study of a few in India and Japan in the Indo-Pacific region for effective economic interventions in the megacities system at the city level was studied. COVID-19 has affected most of the countries in the Indo-Pacific. With a contraction of GDP and a GDP growth rate negative, the number below the poverty level increased. Foreign Direct Investment is not forthcoming in any of these countries. Job creation becomes a priority in addition to public health concerns connected with COVID-19.




The Smart Megacity System of Indo-Pacific: Emerging Architecture and Megacities Studies
In 2016 as per UN-HABITAT, there were about thirty-one gigantic cities/urban agglomerations/conurbations/megalopolises of population size ten million and above-called megacities in the universe which is likely to be 41 in 2030. Twenty million population and above cities are called meta cities which were eight in 2016 and will have eleven in 2030. Most of the megacities and meta cities are in the Indo-Pacific, amounting to a total of twenty-one out of 41 in 2030. They all form a close-knit and integrated system manifesting the spatial system of the global economy. Most newly emerging megacities built with newer industrial revolutions and technological basis are in the Indo-Pacific region. These megacities are functionally, spatially, and economically interconnected by sea and air routes and fiber-optic internet networks, generating daily economic interactions of great significance. The individual megacities in the system can be called wise to various degrees. Indo-Pacific region envelopes the boundary of the Indian and the Pacific Oceans, which are contiguous and most extensive of all oceans of the universe. The region can be called a combination of the homogeneous, program, and polarized regions for conducting various Indo-Pacific-specific designed economic activities and functions. These cities are genuinely global, work based on the ever-changing dynamics of global politics based on international diplomacy against national bureaucracy faithfully local the set of policies, programs, regulatory laws, and budgets of cities in the sub-national and below following a democratic pattern of governance with mixed economy or capitalist economy of various proportions, by largely local self-government in a Federal Governing setup such as in India, the USA or even to some extent Russia and China with autocracies in position. This local self-governance must be transformed uniquely to use the global megacity system’s international and regional economic development. The Indo-Pacific megacity system is defined as an interconnected urban network functionally and economically by twenty-one megacities in the Indo-Pacific, servicing sub-national regions and servicing countries some thirty-one and above outside sharing the same megacity gateway physical infrastructure and related economic, institutional, and physical infrastructure of megacities of the Indo-Pacific. In this region, these megacities have a disproportionately higher NDP share as well as disproportionately higher average household income; they have distinct income and expenditure patterns than more miniature cities and villages of the respective Nations and assume a significant role in regional and international economic development and politics of the Indo-Pacific. In the Indo-Pacific region, all leading economies of the world are situated, such as the US, the People’s Republic of China, India, Russia, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and ASEAN countries as well as SARC countries, and many other countries groupings. Others situated outside the Indo-Pacific, like France, the Netherlands, Germany, the UK, and the European Economic Community have substantial economic and security concerns in this region and long-term historical connections to the legacy of colonialization that connects them to the Indo-Pacific and have their independent National Strategies for the Indo-Pacific. Ships carrying goods and aero planes carrying Indo-Pacific persons of rare servicing capabilities and entrepreneurial force crisscross the Indo-Pacific every instant which also uses sea routes carrying many Trillian dollars’ worth of manufactured goods annually a large world share and home for major fiber-optic internet cable networks of the world. These gigantic habitats are significant because it has all the potential to configure themselves into a system of intelligent and global megacities for their sustainability and rapid economic development, as well as collectively participating in major concerns like a war against the COVID-19 pandemic, other disaster management such as Tsunami, earthquake, forest fires, and floods, climate change issues and other security challenges like piracies and aggressions of certain countries for territorial expansion. This creative configuration of megacities into intelligent and global megacities resulted from two books, Smart Global Megacities, published by Springer Nature in 2021, through city case studies and edited by the author, articulating how such cities function. The vast population, cultural and ecosystem diversity, diverse institutional endowments, diverse political systems such as capitalist and socialist, and autocratic governing systems, supply chains connectivity, global linkages, and size of income and expenditure in these megacities create many opportunities for configuring an intelligent global megacity and then a system of smart global megacities which is the subject matter of this book. These two books mentioned above tried to understand the smart global nature of megacities and surveyed their growth, development, distribution, and distribution across geographic regions. Now this book explores further a single system of megacities in the Indo-Pacific. These cities are significant contributors to the Gross Domestic Product of their home nation. Theories of global cities are briefly studied and finally end up with broad approaches to configure these megacities into smart and global megacities systems sustainably based on the dynamics of international politics, which drives the dynamics of the worldwide economy. The second part of this book uses megacity case studies that specifically study the role of a few individual megacity cases in the megacity system of the Indo-Pacific. This chapter serves as a background for the Regional Development of Indo-Pacific area and several megacity case studies across countries in this book. This book is a continuation of the above two books, which looks at how these megacities, a sizable number in the universe located in the Indo-Pacific, work together as a system to promote an open, accessible, and prosperous region in the world for the next century.
T. M. Vinod Kumar

Regional Economy

Prospects of Systems of Megacities and Individual Megacities with Respect to Regional Economy
The importance of cities and megacities is one of the defining features of the twenty-first century. The chapter provides clear and comprehensive overview of current thinking within academic and scientific sector and daily practice from two megacities in Europe—London and Paris due to the fact that they are the only nodes which can interact with Indo-Pacific in their economic, defence and strategic interests resulted from their multi-dimensional physical, institutional, economic and social linkages in Indo-Pacific. Paris and London are the gateways for sea, air and communication, institutional and academic linkages with the Indo-Pacific. These megacities have to face with the various challenges on the one hand, but on the other hand, there are new possibilities and solutions for their “sustainable” development. The theoretical review on the current changes in status of European cities defines the specific type of city—megacity and two of them are deeply analysed (London and Paris). On this base, the chapter identified new paradigms for development of urban space, the role and importance of current development concepts and innovation systems, and the role and importance of integrated, open, multi-level, cross-sectorial planning and management.
Anna Vaňová, Katarína Vitálišová, Darina Rojíková

International Trade

International Trade Among the Megacity Systems/Countries in Its Issues and Barriers: EU 27 and Selected Indo-Pacific Countries
Global development is strongly correlated with the changes at local and regional level. The researches show that megacities as one of urbanization trends contribute significantly to the world economic growth and global GDP. In the chapter, we focus on the analysis of international trade among European Union countries as a unit and selected Indo-Pacific countries where megacities are located and are important trade partners for the European Union. European Union by common trade policy for all member states establishes the cooperation framework as a set of rules which are obliged in international trade with third countries. The deeper analysis is devoted to countries—India, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Philippines and Bangladesh. By the analysis, the European Union liberalize gradually the trade with them. We can confirm their important role as trade partners for the European Union, eventhough there are some debatable issues influencing it.
Mariana Považanová, Žaneta Lacová, Katarína Vitálišová

Rural-Urban Harmony in Megacity System

Metropolitan Architecture and Sustainable Habitats in the Indo-Pacific Region to Reinforce the Megacity System Through Urban–Rural Patterns
Critical Comparative Study Between the Desakota Region, Tokyo Megalopolis, Yunnan Province, and the Filipino Urban Form
The Indo-Pacific region needs a comprehensive view of the risks of widening existing inequalities or creating new ones due to the Green and Digital Transitions to improve the quality of life. The goal is to define Regenerative Actions to strengthen existing sustainable habitats and create/support trans-regional and national clusters. Interstitial actors must act as mediators and adapt existing knowledge to new situations. Twin Transitions require new forms of governance and compelling service access issues to identify and reinforce existing sustainable communities. Spatial analysis is needed to generate a strategic vision of territorial shrinkage for Japan. Spatial planning strategies can address population shrinkage by promoting the Desakota phenomenon and fostering the proximity of urban settlements and agriculture. The study aims to explore how Harmony can be integrated into an Operating Culture that encompasses anthropological, social, and economic aspects of cooperation with nature. Nature is critical in shaping the relationship between humans and technology, and culture is the soul that integrates technology and nature. Asian continent significance lies in its technological advancements and its potential to help China overcome its particularism and discover new ways of understanding unity. The Asian and Japanese experience has shown how the community dimension can be effective in an emergency, and how the vulnerability of a community can be transformed into a resource. Realistic contexts are necessary to achieve desired outcomes, and Asian societies must harness and transform these energies into productive innovation.
Antonella Contin, Valentina Galiulo, Alessandra Maria Pandolfi, Ryusei Koike, Dicheng Yang, Kelvin C. de Chavez


Japanese Methods for Promoting Harmonious Regionalization in Asia
This chapter examines the ways in which Japanese leaders in the lithium industry have sought to adapt to the changes in the international political economy, particularly with respect to the varying states of Sino-Japanese relations. To do so, it first provides an overview of the ways in which regional trade systems are transforming and the impacts this exerts on the Japanese economy. Following this, the chapter provides a qualitative examination of the methods and considerations of adaptation among Japanese businesses in the lithium industry, particularly with respect to businesses operating within Osaka as a major industrial center. By way of conclusion, the chapter offers a broad discussion of the potential avenues for further development for Japanese businesses with a view on how to develop a win–win dynamic based on economic cooperation and a harmony of interests across central and east Asia.
Chris G. Pope, Aki Suwa


Indo-Pacific Smart Megacity System Megacity Studies: Is Kolkata Ready to Be the Gateway to Indo-Pacific Region?
Locational factors along with geopolitical conditions are contributors to the growth or decline of settlements since historical times. Kolkata region has gained from these factors and has experienced phenomenal growth leading the country not only in socio-cultural and political ethos, but also in economic and urban planning as well. The authors consider the factors that have led to shaping the region to be causal to its growth as well as its decline. This research delves into the pertinent aspects in current times to understand the benefits that can be derived from learnings so as to push Kolkata into the next phase of leading the nation by taking advantage of the current geopolitical environment.
Prabh Bedi, Mahavir


Positioning of Mumbai in the Indo-Pacific Megacity System: Economic and Transport Opportunities
Mumbai is the largest megacity in India and one of the world’s largest urban agglomerations, with a population of approximately 20 million in 2018 and is expected to increase to around 24.5 million by 2030, according to UN-Habitat estimates. Mumbai has emerged as an integral part of the Indo-Pacific megacity system in geopolitics, global economy, international trade, and inter-regional transport, art, and culture (Hindi film industry, popularly known as Bollywood). Being a megacity (with more than twenty million people) in the Indo-Pacific region, rapid urbanization and economic development are resulting in changing patterns of city functions. Mumbai’s significance in the world is continuously expanding due to the juxtaposition of its locational and functional advantage, i.e. flourishing economy, technological advancement, and its connection with the outer world. Along with these economic advantages, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai is an important global hub of the air transportation system. Once operational, Navi Mumbai International Airport will boost capacity and improve connection to Mumbai’s air transport system with the rest of the world. The Jawaharlal Nehru Seaport, India’s largest container port, is essential to India's foreign trade. Further, the International North-South Transport Corridor, consisting of rail, road, and maritime transportation networks, starts from Mumbai and is a prime economic growth corridor for promoting economic cooperation among the participating countries. Positioning of Mumbai city in the Indo-Pacific setting can be conceptualized by reviewing the city’s economy and transport opportunities.
Amit Chatterjee, Mitali Mondal, Jilik Dhar, Md. Imran Nazir


International Collaborative Research: Indo-Pacific Smart Megacity System: Emerging Architecture and Megacity Studies and Conclusions
This chapter has two parts. The first part discusses the goals and organizational details of the international collaborative research project “Indo-Pacific Smart Megacity System: Emerging Architecture.” In the second part, in consultation with the team leaders of the Area studies, including the city study, their general conclusions of the area study are presented.
T. M. Vinod Kumar
Indo-Pacific Smart Megacity System
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T. M. Vinod Kumar
Springer Nature Singapore
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