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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Introduction to Brand Management

verfasst von : Emmanuel Mogaji

Erschienen in: Brand Management

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Brand management is multifaceted, complicated and complex, but it is important to start with the basics. Brands exist in the subconscious of everyone who uses or experiences them: employees, investors, the media and, perhaps most importantly, users. In this chapter we will explore basic misconceptions about brands; brands and branding are not just in the minds of consumers, nor are they just products and they are more than logos. We will discuss the brand, branding and brand management concepts. These are terms that can be confusing and easily misconstrued. We will also look at key stakeholders in the brand management process: the brand owners, users, managers, influencers and valuers. Different branding ownership calls for a different branding approach. For example, a charity organisation has branding needs that differ from a global brand. We will conclude this chapter with what you can expect as a prospective brand manager, what you can do with the knowledge you acquire and the opportunities for career progression.

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Introduction to Brand Management
verfasst von
Emmanuel Mogaji
Springer International Publishing