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Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

30th International Conference, TACAS 2024, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 6–11, 2024, Proceedings, Part I


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The open access book 3-volume set LNCS 14570-14573 constitutes the proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2024, which was held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, during April 6-11, 2024, in Luxembourg.

The 53 full papers and 16 short SVComp contributions included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: STA and SMT solving; synthesis; logic and decidability; program analysis and proofs; proof checking; Part II: Model Checking; automata and learning; software verification; probabilistic systems; simulations; Part III: Neural networks; testing and verification; games; concurrency; SV-Comp 2024.



SAT and SMT Solving


Open Access

DRAT Proofs of Unsatisfiability for SAT Modulo Monotonic Theories
Generating proofs of unsatisfiability is a valuable capability of most SAT solvers, and is an active area of research for SMT solvers. This paper introduces the first method to efficiently generate proofs of unsatisfiability specifically for an important subset of SMT: SAT Modulo Monotonic Theories (SMMT), which includes many useful finite-domain theories (e.g., bit vectors and many graph-theoretic properties) and is used in production at Amazon Web Services. Our method uses propositional definitions of the theory predicates, from which it generates compact Horn approximations of the definitions, which lead to efficient DRAT proofs, leveraging the large investment the SAT community has made in DRAT. In experiments on practical SMMT problems, our proof generation overhead is minimal (7.41% geometric mean slowdown, 28.8% worst-case), and we can generate and check proofs for many problems that were previously intractable.
Nick Feng, Alan J. Hu, Sam Bayless, Syed M. Iqbal, Patrick Trentin, Mike Whalen, Lee Pike, John Backes

Open Access

Z3-Noodler: An Automata-based String Solver
Z3-Noodler is a fork of Z3 that replaces its string theory solver with a custom solver implementing the recently introduced stabilization-based algorithm for solving word equations with regular constraints. An extensive experimental evaluation shows that Z3-Noodler is a fully-fledged solver that can compete with state-of-the-art solvers, surpassing them by far on many benchmarks. Moreover, it is often complementary to other solvers, making it a suitable choice as a candidate to a solver portfolio.
Yu-Fang Chen, David Chocholatý, Vojtěch Havlena, Lukáš Holík, Ondřej Lengál, Juraj Síč

Open Access

TaSSAT: Transfer and Share SAT
We present TaSSAT, a powerful local search SAT solver that effectively solves hard combinatorial problems. Its unique approach of transferring clause weights in local minima enhances its efficiency in solving problem instances. Since it is implemented on top of YalSAT, TaSSAT benefits from practical techniques such as restart strategies and thread parallelization. Our implementation includes a parallel version that shares data structures across threads, leading to a significant reduction in memory usage. Our experiments demonstrate that TaSSAT outperforms similar solvers on a vast set of SAT competition benchmarks. Notably, with the parallel configuration of TaSSAT, we improve lower bounds for several van der Waerden numbers.
Md Solimul Chowdhury, Cayden R. Codel, Marijn J. H. Heule

Open Access

Speculative SAT Modulo SAT
State-of-the-art model-checking algorithms like IC3/PDR are based on uni-directional modular SAT solving for finding and/or blocking counterexamples. Modular SAT-solvers divide a SAT-query into multiple sub-queries, each solved by a separate SAT-solver (called a module), and propagate information (lemmas, proof obligations, blocked clauses, etc.) between modules. While modular solving is key to IC3/PDR, it is obviously not as effective as monolithic solving, especially when individual sub-queries are harder to solve than the combined query. This is partially addressed in SAT modulo SAT (SMS) by propagating unit literals back and forth between the modules and using information from one module to simplify the sub-query in another module as soon as possible (i.e., before the satisfiability of any sub-query is established). However, bi-directionality of SMS is limited because of the strict order between decisions and propagation – only one module is allowed to make decisions, until its sub-query is SAT. In this paper, we propose a generalization of SMS, called specSMS, that speculates decisions between modules. This makes it bi-directional – decisions are made in multiple modules, and learned clauses are exchanged in both directions. We further extend DRUP proofs and interpolation, these are useful in model checking, to specSMS. We have implemented specSMS in Z3 and empirically validate it on a series of benchmarks that are provably hard for SMS.
V. K. Hari Govind, Isabel Garcia-Contreras, Sharon Shoham, Arie Gurfinkel

Open Access

Happy Ending: An Empty Hexagon in Every Set of 30 Points
Satisfiability solving has been used to tackle a range of long-standing open math problems in recent years. We add another success by solving a geometry problem that originated a century ago. In the 1930s, Esther Klein’s exploration of unavoidable shapes in planar point sets in general position showed that every set of five points includes four points in convex position. For a long time, it was open if an empty hexagon, i.e., six points in convex position without a point inside, can be avoided. In 2006, Gerken and Nicolás independently proved that the answer is no. We establish the exact bound: Every 30-point set in the plane in general position contains an empty hexagon. Our key contributions include an effective, compact encoding and a search-space partitioning strategy enabling linear-time speedups even when using thousands of cores.
Marijn J. H. Heule, Manfred Scheucher



Open Access

Fully Generalized Reactivity(1) Synthesis
Generalized Reactivity(1) (GR(1)) synthesis is a reactive synthesis approach in which the specification is split into two parts: a symbolic game graph, describing the safe transitions of a system, a liveness specification in a subset of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) on top of it. Many specifications can naturally be written in this restricted form, and the restriction gives rise to a scalable synthesis procedure – the reasons for the high popularity of the approach. For specifications even slightly beyond GR(1), however, the approach is inapplicable. This necessitates a transition to synthesizers for full LTL specifications, introducing a huge efficiency drop. This paper proposes a synthesis approach that smoothly bridges the efficiency gap from GR(1) to LTL by unifying synthesis for both classes of specifications. The approach leverages a recently introduced canonical representation of omega-regular languages based on a chain of good-for-games co-Büchi automata (COCOA). By constructing COCOA for the liveness part of a specification, we can then build a fixpoint formula that can be efficiently evaluated on the symbolic game graph. The COCOA-based synthesis approach outperforms standard approaches and retains the efficiency of GR(1) synthesis for specifications in GR(1) form and those with few non-GR(1) specification parts.
Rüdiger Ehlers, Ayrat Khalimov

Open Access

Knor: reactive synthesis using Oink
We present an innovative approach to the reactive synthesis of parity automaton specifications, which plays a pivotal role in the synthesis of linear temporal logic. We find that our method efficiently solves the SYNTCOMP synthesis competition benchmarks for parity automata from LTL specifications, solving all 288 models in under a minute. We therefore direct our attention to optimizing the circuit size and propose several methods to reduce the size of the constructed circuits: (1) leveraging different parity game solvers, (2) applying bisimulation minimisation to the winning strategy, (3) using alternative encodings from the strategy to an and-inverter graph, (4) integrating post-processing with the ABC tool. We implement these methods in the Knor tool, which has secured us multiple victories in the PGAME track of the SYNTCOMP competition.
Tom van Dijk, Feije van Abbema, Naum Tomov

Open Access

On Dependent Variables in Reactive Synthesis
Given a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formula over input and output variables, reactive synthesis requires us to design a deterministic Mealy machine that gives the values of outputs at every time step for every sequence of inputs, such that the LTL formula is satisfied. In this paper, we investigate the notion of dependent variables in the context of reactive synthesis. Inspired by successful pre-processing techniques in Boolean functional synthesis, we define dependent variables in reactive synthesis as output variables that are uniquely assigned, given an assignment to all other variables and the history so far. We describe an automata-based approach for finding a set of dependent variables. Using this, we show that dependent variables are surprisingly common in reactive synthesis benchmarks. Next, we develop a novel synthesis framework that exploits dependent variables to construct an overall synthesis solution. By implementing this framework using the widely used library Spot, we show that reactive synthesis that exploits dependent variables can solve some problems beyond the reach of existing techniques. Furthermore, we observe that among benchmarks with dependent variables, if the count of non-dependent variables is low (\(\le 3\) in our experiments), our method outperforms state-of-the-art tools for synthesis.
S. Akshay, Eliyahu Basa, Supratik Chakraborty, Dror Fried

Open Access

CESAR: Control Envelope Synthesis via Angelic Refinements
This paper presents an approach for synthesizing provably correct control envelopes for hybrid systems. Control envelopes characterize families of safe controllers and are used to monitor untrusted controllers at runtime. Our algorithm fills in the blanks of a hybrid system’s sketch specifying the desired shape of the control envelope, the possible control actions, and the system’s differential equations. In order to maximize the flexibility of the control envelope, the synthesized conditions saying which control action can be chosen when should be as permissive as possible while establishing a desired safety condition from the available assumptions, which are augmented if needed. An implicit, optimal solution to this synthesis problem is characterized using hybrid systems game theory, from which explicit solutions can be derived via symbolic execution and sound, systematic game refinements. Optimality can be recovered in the face of approximation via a dual game characterization. The resulting algorithm, Control Envelope Synthesis via Angelic Refinements (CESAR), is demonstrated in a range of safe control envelope synthesis examples with different control challenges.
Aditi Kabra, Jonathan Laurent, Stefan Mitsch, André Platzer

Logic and Decidability


Open Access

Answering Temporal Conjunctive Queries over Description Logic Ontologies for Situation Recognition in Complex Operational Domains
For developing safe automated systems, recognizing safety-critical situations in data from their complex operational domain is imperative. This capability is, for example, essential when evaluating the system’s conformance to specified requirements in test run data. The requirements involve a temporal dimension, as the system operates over time. Moreover, the generated data are usually relational and require additional background knowledge about the domain for correctly recognizing the situation. This fact makes propositional temporal logics, an established tool, unsuitable for the task. We address this issue by developing a tailored temporal logic to query for situations in relational data over complex domains. Our language combines mission-time linear temporal logic with conjunctive queries to access time-stamped data with background knowledge formulated in an expressive description logic. Currently, however, no tools exist for answering queries in such settings. We hence also contribute an implementation in the logic reasoner Openllet, leveraging the efficacy of well-established conjunctive query answering. Moreover, we present a benchmark generator in the setting of automated driving and demonstrate that our tool performs well when tasked with recognizing safety-critical situations in road traffic.
Lukas Westhofen, Christian Neurohr, Jean Christoph Jung, Daniel Neider

Open Access

Deciding Boolean Separation Logic via Small Models
We present a novel decision procedure for a fragment of separation logic (SL) with arbitrary nesting of separating conjunctions with boolean conjunctions, disjunctions, and guarded negations together with a support for the most common variants of linked lists. Our method is based on a model-based translation to SMT for which we introduce several optimisations—the most important of them is based on bounding the size of predicate instantiations within models of larger formulae, which leads to a much more efficient translation of SL formulae to SMT. Through a series of experiments, we show that, on the frequently used symbolic heap fragment, our decision procedure is competitive with other existing approaches, and it can outperform them outside the symbolic heap fragment. Moreover, our decision procedure can also handle some formulae for which no decision procedure has been implemented so far.
Tomáš Dacík, Adam Rogalewicz, Tomáš Vojnar, Florian Zuleger

Open Access

Asynchronous Subtyping by Trace Relaxation
Session subtyping answers the question of whether a program in a communicating system can be safely substituted for another, when their communication behaviours are described by session types. Asynchronous session subtyping is undecidable, hence the interest in devising sound, although incomplete, subtyping algorithms. State-of-the-art algorithms are formulated in terms of a data-structure called input trees. We show how input trees can be replaced by sets of traces, which opens up opportunities for applying techniques abstract interpretation techniques to the problem of asynchronous session subtyping. Sets of traces can be relaxed (enlarged) whilst still allowing subtyping to be observed, and one can choose relaxations that can be finitely represented, even when the input trees are arbitrarily large. We instantiate this strategy using regular expressions and show that it allows subtyping to be mechanically proven for communication patterns that were previously out of reach.
Laura Bocchi, Andy King, Maurizio Murgia

Program Analysis and Proofs


Open Access

SootUp: A Redesign of the Soot Static Analysis Framework
Since its inception two decades ago, Soot has become one of the most widely used open-source static analysis frameworks. Over time it has been extended with the contributions of countless researchers. Yet, at the same time, the requirements for Soot have changed over the years and become increasingly at odds with some of the major design decisions that underlie it. In this work, we thus present SootUp, a complete reimplementation of Soot that seeks to fulfill these requirements with a novel design, while at the same time keeping elements that Soot users have grown accustomed to.
Kadiray Karakaya, Stefan Schott, Jonas Klauke, Eric Bodden, Markus Schmidt, Linghui Luo, Dongjie He

Open Access

Formally verified asymptotic consensus in robust networks
Distributed architectures are used to improve performance and reliability of various systems. Examples include drone swarms and load-balancing servers. An important capability of a distributed architecture is the ability to reach consensus among all its nodes. Several consensus algorithms have been proposed, and many of these algorithms come with intricate proofs of correctness, that are not mechanically checked. In the controls community, algorithms often achieve consensus asymptotically, e.g., for problems such as the design of human control systems, or the analysis of natural systems like bird flocking. This is in contrast to exact consensus algorithm such as Paxos, which have received much more recent attention in the formal methods community.
This paper presents the first formal proof of an asymptotic consensus algorithm, and addresses various challenges in its formalization. Using the Coq proof assistant, we verify the correctness of a widely used consensus algorithm in the distributed controls community, the Weighted-Mean Subsequence Reduced (W-MSR) algorithm. We formalize the necessary and sufficient conditions required to achieve resilient asymptotic consensus under the assumed attacker model. During the formalization, we clarify several imprecisions in the paper proof, including an imprecision on quantifiers in the main theorem.
Mohit Tekriwal, Avi Tachna-Fram, Jean-Baptiste Jeannin, Manos Kapritsos, Dimitra Panagou

Open Access

Formally Verifying an Efficient Sorter
In this experience report, we present the complete formal verification of a Java implementation of inplace superscalar sample sort ( ) using the KeY program verification system. As is one of the fastest general purpose sorting algorithms, this is an important step towards a collection of basic toolbox components that are both provably correct and highly efficient. At the same time, it is an important case study of how careful, highly efficient implementations of complicated algorithms can be formally verified directly. We provide an analysis of which features of the KeY system and its verification calculus are instrumental in enabling algorithm verification without any compromise on algorithm efficiency.
Bernhard Beckert, Peter Sanders, Mattias Ulbrich, Julian Wiesler, Sascha Witt

Open Access

Explainable Online Monitoring of Metric First-Order Temporal Logic
Metric first-order temporal logic (MFOTL) is an expressive formalism for specifying temporal and data-dependent constraints on streams of time-stamped, data-carrying events. It serves as the specification language of several runtime monitors. These monitors input an MFOTL formula and an event stream prefix and output satisfying assignments to the formula’s free variables. For complex formulas, it may be unclear why a certain assignment is output. We propose an approach that accompanies assignments with detailed explanations, in the form of proof trees. We develop a new monitor that outputs such explanations. Our tool incorporates a formally verified checker that certifies the explanations and a visualization that allows users to interactively explore and understand the outputs.
Leonardo Lima, Jonathan Julián Huerta y Munive, Dmitriy Traytel

Proof Checking


Open Access

IsaRare: Automatic Verification of SMT Rewrites in Isabelle/HOL
Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers are widely used to ensure the correctness of safety- and security-critical applications. Therefore, being able to trust a solver’s results is crucial. One way to increase trust is to generate independently checkable proof certificates, which record the reasoning steps done by the solver. A key challenge with this approach is that it is difficult to efficiently and accurately produce proofs for reasoning steps involving term rewriting rules. Previous work showed how a domain-specific language, Rare, can be used to capture rewriting rules for the purposes of proof production. However, in that work, the Rare rules had to be trusted, as the correctness of the rules themselves was not checked by the proof checker. In this paper, we present IsaRare, a tool that can automatically translate Rare rules into Isabelle/HOL lemmas. The soundness of the rules can then be verified by proving the lemmas. Because an incorrect rule can put the entire soundness of a proof system in jeopardy, our solution closes an important gap in the trustworthiness of SMT proof certificates. The same tool also provides a necessary component for enabling full proof reconstruction of SMT proof certificates in Isabelle/HOL. We evaluate our approach by verifying an extensive set of rewrite rules used by the cvc5 SMT solver.
Hanna Lachnitt, Mathias Fleury, Leni Aniva, Andrew Reynolds, Haniel Barbosa, Andres Nötzli, Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli

Open Access

Automate where Automation Fails: Proof Strategies for Frama-C/WP
Modern deductive verification tools succeed in automatically proving the great majority of program annotations thanks in particular to constantly evolving SMT solvers they rely on. The remaining proof goals still require interactively created proof scripts. This tool demo paper presents a new solution for an automatic creation of proof scripts in Frama-C/WP, a popular deductive verifier for C programs. The verification engineer defines a proof strategy describing several initial proof steps, from which proof scripts are automatically generated and applied. Our experiments on a large real-life industrial project confirm that the new proof strategy engine strongly facilitates the verification process by automating the creation of proof scripts, thus increasing the potential of industrial applications of deductive verification on large code bases.
Loïc Correnson, Allan Blanchard, Adel Djoudi, Nikolai Kosmatov

Open Access

VeSCMul: Verified Implementation of S-C-Rewriting for Multiplier Verification
Formal verification of multipliers is difficult. This paper pre-sents a custom tool, VeSCMul, designed to address this problem. VeSCMul can be effectively applied to a wide range of hardware verification challenges, including multipliers with saturation, flags, shifting, truncation, accumulation, dot product, and even floating-point multiplication. The tool is highly automated with a user-friendly interface, and it is very efficient; for instance, verification for designs with 64-bit operands can finish in seconds. Notably, VeSCMul has been successfully utilized for both commercial designs and publicly available benchmarks. Regarding the reliability of its results, VeSCMul itself is fully verified, instilling confidence in its users for soundness. It also has the option to be used with a SAT solver for completeness and counterexample generation. Readers of this paper will gain insights into the capabilities and limitations of VeSCMul, as well as how to employ it for the verification of their own designs.
Mertcan Temel

Open Access

A Logical Treatment of Finite Automata
We present a sound and complete axiomatization of finite words using matching logic. A unique feature of our axiomatization is that it gives a shallow embedding of regular expressions into matching logic, and a logical representation of finite automata. The semantics of both expressions and automata are precisely captured as matching logic formulae that evaluate to the corresponding language. Regular expressions are matching logic formulae as is, while the embedding of automata is a structural analog—computational aspects of automata are captured as syntactic features. We demonstrate that our axiomatization is sound and complete by showing that runs of Brzozowski’s procedure for equivalence checking correspond to matching logic proofs. We propose this as a general methodology for producing machine-checkable formal proofs, enabled by capturing structural analogs of computational artifacts in logic. The proofs produced can be efficiently checked by the Metamath Zero verifier. Work presented in this paper contributes to the general scheme of achieving verifiable computing via logical methods, where computations are reduced to logical reasoning, encoded as machine-checkable proof objects, and checked by a trusted proof checker.
Nishant Rodrigues, Mircea Octavian Sebe, Xiaohong Chen, Grigore Roşu

Open Access

A State-of-the-Art Karp-Miller Algorithm Certified in Coq
Petri nets constitute a well-studied model to verify and study concurrent systems, among others, and computing the coverability set is one of the most fundamental problems about Petri nets. Using the proof assistant Coq, we certified the correctness and termination of the MinCov algorithm by Finkel, Haddad, and Khmelnitsky (FOSSACS 2020). This algorithm is the most recent algorithm in the literature that computes the minimal basis of the coverability set, a problem known to be prone to subtle bugs. Apart from the intrinsic interest of a computer-checked proof, our certification provides new insights on the MinCov algorithm. In particular, we introduce as an intermediate algorithm a small-step variant of MinCov of independent interest.
Thibault Hilaire, David Ilcinkas, Jérôme Leroux
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
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Bernd Finkbeiner
Laura Kovács
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